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Great Chapters 1-3  God creates the heavens and the earth
Great Stories 6-8 Noah survives the worldwide flood
Miracles  19:24 Sodom, Gomorrah burn by fire and brimstone
19:26 Lot's wife becomes a pillar of salt
21:1-3 Isaac is miraculously born
Great Stories 22:1-18 Abraham begins to sacrifice Isaac
27:1-46 Jacob steals Esau's blessing
Great Chapters 37-49 Joseph rises to great power
Great Stories 1:7-
The rescue of Moses
Miracles  3:2 Burning bush does not consume
Great Stories 7-14 Millions of Hebrew slaves go free
Miracles  7:10-12  Aaron's rod becomes a serpent
7:20-25 Water becomes blood
8:5-14 Plague of frogs
8:16-18 Plague of gnats
8:20-24 Plague of flies
9:3-6 Herds and flocks die
9:8-11 Boils and sores
9:22-26 Thunder and hail
10:12-19 Plague of locusts
10:21-23 Dark day
12:29-30 Slaughter of firstborn
14:21-31 Red Sea parts
15:23-25 Waters of Marah become sweet
16:14-35 Manna from heaven
17:5-7 Water from the rock
Great Chapters 20  Ten Commandments

and more . . . 

Other sample pages: Genesis  Matthew  Revelation  

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Copyright (c) 1983, 2003 - 2008, 2017 by Christopher A. Anacker